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Writer's pictureDavid Chaney

What is Martha's Outpost? | Fuel the Doer | #1

When asked what was his 'why...or his motivation' when enduring one of the greatest physical accomplishments of all time, 100 triathlons in 100 days, James 'Iron Cowboy' Lawrence, replied with saying he has a 'bag of why's.' The Iron Cowboy said that the challenge he took on was near the impossible and if he sought motivation by only one 'why' or 'one reason' to do it, he would inevitably fail. He created himself a 'bag of why's' so that he constantly had a reason to never give up. Starting a coffee trailer is nowhere near the challenge of 100 triathlons but like the Iron Cowboy himself, we were sure to come across days where the challenges might want us to pour our last cup. When we started this journey, we first filled our bag of why's to pull from to prepare us as we crossed mountains and deserts.

FAMILY, COMMUNITY and our calling to CREATE is our three biggest 'why's', the reason we've set out to build Martha's Outpost. By knowing our 'why's' we can better explain our 'what.'

FAMILY - In 2018 we made the decision to alter the course of our lives. Working demanding jobs, living a fast-life in the northeast, my wife Monica and I realized we were unintentionally building a lifestyle for our family we did not want. We wanted our children to experience the outdoors and a life centered around God then family. We moved to Georgia to create a new rhythm. One of those rhythm's was building a career that we could all contribute in...we wanted to 'bet on ourselves.' We wanted to create a platform where we could teach our children life skills over the years with everyone in the family contributing. FAMILY is not only forward thinking in this endeavor. Martha's Outpost is a way to honor those that have paved the path before us. The name Martha's comes from Martha's Vineyard, our grandfather's most known region for his paintings. Joseph Clements (our grandfather), returned from WWII with a passion for art which influenced his life. As a watercolor artist in the 1960's, Joe's landscape paintings of Martha's Vineyard became influential to our family, and many others, in so many ways. We named Martha's Outpost after Joe's desire to pursue his passion, travel to beautiful destinations and to experience the outdoors. We like to think we embody those same traits.

COMMUNITY - A harmonious life is a life full of service. We're originally Missourians, growing up climbing Elephant Rocks in Southeast Missouri, kayaking rivers throughout Southwest Missouri and hiking trails throughout the Missouri River Valley. We came to Georgia because it felt like Missouri but on the next level for outdoor exploration! We quickly recognized how special the Southeast is. Our gratitude for what this region offers immediately ignited the desire to serve- to enhance the outdoor experience for others to enjoy. We also see the need to get more of our 6.6 million metro Atlanta neighbors outside. And for those who are outside, we wanted to enhance their experience, igniting the same gratitude that we've felt. As Martha's Outpost grows and our influence increases, it's our goal to tell the story of others; to highlight the amazing efforts of all the volunteers and influential outdoor leaders. We want to Fuel the Destination of those setting out to run their first 5k, cheering on a loved one at a bike race or encourage a family to explore a new trail system. We come alongside event organizers and operators to support event participants and spectators. Over time we hope to be creating and hosting events ourselves that unite the community, create awareness for the outdoors and highlight the variety of great local organizations.

CREATE - We believe we're all called to create. God created mankind in his image. God is a creator and we believe it's in all of us to create; creativity is the natural result of spirituality. Martha's Outpost is the result of listening to the 'whisper of God' and stepping forward in faith. Our journey to this point has provided us with the tools necessary to create and grow Martha's Outpost. We're on our path to become an influential storyteller, activist and enhancer of all things outdoors throughout Georgia. Martha's will transform and grow into many things over the years but our calling to create a God-centered brand, with the purpose to serve the community and enhance the outdoor experience will remain consistent.

Martha's Outpost is a coffee trailer. Martha's Outpost is boutique outdoor retailer. Martha's Outpost is an event promoter and organizer. Martha's Outpost is a platform to tell great stories. If you're an event organizers, how can we help tell your story. If you're wanting to get your family outdoors more, follow along for insights and information. If you're an athlete wanting to push yourself, then we'll see you at a race or competition. If you're a coffee enthusiast, then we hope to serve you a delicious cup of regionally roasted coffee. We are many things to many people. Most importantly, Martha's Outpost is a vehicle to serve others.

Fuel the Doer,

David Chaney - Martha's Outpost

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